Can You Tell Me How To Get To Elmo Cafe

Can You Tell Me How To Get To Elmo Cafe

Takeshita Street is the new Sesame Street– coz that’s where you will find the pop up  Elmo Cafe.Similar to the My Little Pony themed cafe in Harajuko, Elmo Cafe is a limited time restaurant that serves thematic food and drinks, with stuffed toys to play with while eating, decals and decors all over the cafe and photo booth for you to go crazy over. They sell merchandise, too!

They have a small sheet that lists cafe rules.  Don’t get offended with the sheet; it’s to get things moving along if there are way too many people. The most important one is that you can only stay for 1-1/2 hours, which, I think is long enough to eat, snap some souvenir photos and hug the hey out of the communal dolls. The other item that I can remember is a request to only take photos after you’ve ordered.

As an suggestion, can they please tell people to share the dolls? We couldn’t take photos of cookie monster because some guy in his maybe early thirties hogged CM the whole time we were there and kept taking pictures of it doing all sorts of things (like drinking juice, eating, having lunch with him?!).

They offer set menus at discounted prices– sets with drinks, sets with desserts and free balloons. But, we decided to order desserts only.imageThese are Japanese pancakes. I don’t know if it is really a “thing” but I’ve seen western youtube videos teaching viewers how to make thick Japanese pancake. They’re about an inch thick each but amazingly soft and fluffy, almost mamonish (I know! I’m making up words!) cakes in the standard Japanese sweetness level (read: not sweet).

It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t spectacular though. It was just okay although I felt it was a little bit overpriced at 1,400yen. I guess you’re paying for being in Sesame Street.


The other dessert we ordered was the EYNC Parfait. It looks good but it was more cornflake-y than ice cream-y. And, there were bread pudding fillers at the bottom–is that normal for parfaits? I admit I might be at fault. I probably ate the ice cream on top without distributing it to the rest and so was left with the other bits without any ice cream. My bad. Raspberry syrup is also not my favorite berry in the world.

imageDoes it sound like I didn’t enjoy the cafe? Not really!  Little A was scared of Oscar the Grouch so she wouldn’t allow me to leave her alone in the photo booth. Apart from that, we all had a fun afternoon!

Opens until the end of June. Reservations can be made online.










5 thoughts on “Can You Tell Me How To Get To Elmo Cafe

  1. How do these popups make money? They’re only open for such a small amount of time, and its so thematic pa! Hmmm….


  2. I always wondered,too! The location used to be a dessert place so maybe they’re closing down or renovating? The space for the My Little Pony pop up is no longer a cafe!


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